An entirely new design world post-lockdown
Sonia Gehlot, Architecture & Beyond
The world has changed and its been a zen-like awakening for all beings. We find ourselves more relaxed, calmer and more with oneself. What has been a forced isolation will be a voluntary solitude that we all seek. As we all embrace our new lifestyle, design world is compelled to pay attention to more softer needs for our wellbeing. Tracing our evolution as a race, it’s our need that has always dictated what we seek in our surroundings. And this once again is compelling the design community to address. A good design improves the quality of life. And I believe as an architect, we have the ability to restore the human balance. Giving them spaces, which are happy and inspirational. Slow economy, is what everyone is grappling with. budgets have shrunk, and we need to redefine design. Therefore, moving my lens towards post pandemic interior design.
Minimalism-Less Is More
The new mantra is going towards minimalism which is also our emotional need. We all are looking inwards and to have only, the things that we absolutely love surround us, brings positivity and sense of stability. “LESS IS MORE”- The statement by architect Mies Van Der Rohe can’t be more relevant than in today’s times. We have over time gathered too much and have no interest left in those things– it’s time we discard, at the same time resolve to buy what we LOVE. Declutter your spaces. Remove chaff from the grain, and discover spaces which you will fall in love all over again!
Sustainable interiors
Big styling idea which I see trending is reuse, redesign, refurbish. Besides being planet friendly it is also budget friendly. Earth moving towards healing itself, we need to move towards sustainable interiors. If one can increase life span of any furniture piece or object, we can contribute to the larger cause.
Home Office – The New Normal
I think we will finally see a rise in well-designed, beautiful home-offices. Spaces have been doubling up now the focus is on furniture design. For example dining table reimagined with wire manager can be easily doubled up as study desk.
Meditation Spaces
Next, thought as a designer is to carve out mediation spaces. Spaces which unite ourselves with our soul. They have a profound impact on our emotional wellbeing. Yoga, exercise and mediation spaces will help bring balance in these times. However, big or small house, these will become must haves
Be One With Nature
We are yearning to be with nature, it has become essential to our being. Open plans- balcony, terraces, courtyards to bring in outdoors, will be our design slogan. Styling your home with succulents, ferns, palms are some easy ways to get life in your indoor spaces.
Wall colour creates a big visual impact. While styling with shrunk budgets, use it to your advantage. A perfectly curated colour palette, has the ability to transform and alleviate any space.
Art and Artefacts
Lastly, add art and artefacts – take a journey, time travel with your pieces. Where you bought them from, who gave it to you and why do you love them. Create a space, where you belong and thoughts that resonate with you. Enjoy the story behind, while it adds to your interior style.
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